getting to grips with the PADI Instructor Manual is key to your success as a dive pro

There's no denying that during your career in the dive industry, you'll spend A LOT of time with one little PDF in particular

  • Learn to navigate the PADI Instructor Manual with ease - find standards in a flash

  • Smash your standards and procedures exams during your IDC and IE - you'll find these tips invaluable

  • Dsicover how PADI's Guide To Teaching can help develop you into an awesome instructor - it's like a how to of the Instructor Manual!

  • Prepare for your exams by practicing real questions that will be asked during the IDC and IE

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to Hack The Instructor Manual!

    • Meet your new best friend - The PADI Instructor Manual

    • The Napkins

    • The Bread and Butter

    • The Cherries

    • How To Smash The Standards and Procedures Exam

    • Meet Your Best Friend's Little Brother - PADI's Guide To Teaching

    • How To Use PADI Specialty Course Instructor Guides

    • Standards and Procedure Practice Exam Questions


Get started now